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Paper Space Manager
Tip# 2199 By Leonid Nemirovsky On 01-Apr-2007
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 501
Categories : Paper Space
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2199: RV.lsp and PSP1.lsp
Constructs paper space view and enables viewing and revising attributes.

Paper Space Manager (Tip #2199) by Leonid Nemirovsky is a subset of his more elaborate tool library. The paper space utility set consists of two LISP files along with a DCL file and block drawing that need to be placed in the search path of AutoCAD. After loading the PSP1.LSP and RV.LSP files into AutoCAD, type PSP1 to activate the paper space utility. A dialog box opens for you to enter details about the paper space view to be constructed. When the paper space view is created, a copy of the PSP1 block is included. This block contains attributes about the detail view. You can view and edit the attributes using normal AutoCAD attribute edit procedures. When you need to revise a detail, type RV and then select the view in paper space you want to adjust. Model space is immediately restored; you are zoomed into the area from which the paper space detail was created. This utility is just a subset of the larger utility library. A more robust version can be downloaded from Leonid's Web site. Thanks, and a tip of the hat to Leonid for another wonderful tip!



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