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Tip# 2204 By Paul Kirill On 01-May-2007
Rated By 2 users Downloaded : 377
Categories : Programmer's Tools, Load Applications
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2204: lisplog.lsp
Routine tracks the use of your LISP routines by others (or yourself).

You can use Lisp Log (Tip #2204) from Paul Kirill to track the use of your LISP routines by others (or yourself). Be sure to add the source code for this tip into your primary LISP module that loads automatically with every drawing, because it sets up a reactor callback that is triggered when an AutoLISP program is started inside AutoCAD. All the reactor function does is store the name of the function started in the evaluator. Inside the functions that you want to track, you add the function call (LISPLOG). This function opens a log file and writes the name of the current function and the date. I advise that you look closely at the LISPLOG function definition in this tip's source code because you'll most likely want to revise the log file location. Also note that this function-tracking trick is only for the main function initiated from the command level of AutoCAD. A great example of the reactor system, thanks Paul!



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