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Curve Details
Tip# 2218 By Alireza Edalatipour On 01-Jun-2007
Rated By 2 users Downloaded : 672
Categories : Curved Objects, Multiline Text, Object Data
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2218: CURVE-BOX.lsp
Utility generates all the details you need to know about an arc in AutoCAD as text.

Curve Details (Tip #2218) by Alireza Edalatipour generates all the details you need to know about an arc in AutoCAD as text. Load the LISP code and type CUB to activate the command. It asks you to select an arc object (curve) and a point where you want the details displayed. The function then annotates the end points of the curve, the throw point (intersection of tangents from end points) and presents the curve details at the location you select. Curve details shown are the included angle, radius, tangent distance, arc length and external distance. These values often are used in route location and design for highways. This very useful power tool shows how easy it is to extract information from entity objects and create annotations using regular AutoCAD commands.



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