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Create Command Functions
Tip# 2207 By Ed Jobe On 01-May-2007
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 953
Categories : Misc. User Tools, Programmer's Tools, LISP Code Modules, VBA Code Modules
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2207: CommandWrapper.lsp
Routine implements a bridge between VBA macros and AutoCAD's command system using Visual LISP.

Create Command Functions (Tip #2207) by Ed Jobe is a way to implement a bridge between VBA macros and AutoCAD's command system using Visual LISP. The LISP code in this tip is meant to be loaded when starting a drawing editor session. When it loads, the LISP code establishes a set of command function names as directed by a list of your creation (see CommandList in the source code). These function names correspond to macro names in your VBA project so that when the LISP code is finished loading, you have command names for each of your macros. Command names let you run the VBA macros by typing in a name at the Command line (or in a menu entry) thereby simplifying the deployment of macros to multiple users. This is a great solution to a problem common many VBA programmers find in AutoCAD.



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