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Command Library
Tip# 2208 By Andrew Siddeley On 01-May-2007
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 631
Categories : CUI (Customize User Interface)
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2208: CustomCommandCatalog.lsp
Function set displays the names of command functions (with comments) in various LSP files.

Command Library (Tip #2208) by Andrew Siddeley is this month's top tip for programmers. The purpose of this function set is to display the names of command functions (with comments) in various LSP files. If you have a LISP library like some of those described by the power users in the Hot Tip Harry Forums, then you need to take a look at this utility. After loading the LISP code, type CCC (short for Custom Command Catalog) to start up the tool. A dialog box shows the command functions defined. Initially this dialog box is empty. To fill it up, select the LSP button then pick a file for it to analyze. Any function definitions with C: as part of the function name are collected and nearby comments are added for display in the dialog box. By the way, this function set creates its own dialog box on the fly and demonstrates some excellent modular programming. Plus, there are several other hidden features that I'll leave to the hearty LISP explorer to find. Nice job, Andrew -- and congratulations on earning the status of Top Tip for this month!



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