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Drawing Lines Pointing to Block Inserts
Tip# 2045 By Jeffrey Foster On 01-Jul-2005
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 198
Categories : Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2045: pt2blk.lsp
draw a series of lines (or ghost lines) from a designated point to all occurrences of a given block insert

Jeff Foster's Drawing Lines Pointing to Block Inserts (Tip #2045) will draw a series of lines (or ghost lines) from a designated point to all occurrences of a given block insert. When you are working with a large number of block inserts or for annotation purposes, the PT2BLK.LSP utility is sweet. The block of interest is selected by name or by picking an insert occurrence on the screen. Ghost lines are lines that stay on the screen only until the next regeneration of the graphics (Regen, Redraw or Zoom). This function will draw ghost lines or real lines based on your direction. Load the LSP file then type PT2BLK at the command line. A series of prompts will direct you through the utility. A nice job and very useful!



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