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Tip 2250: Batch Plot Manager
Tip# 2250 By Terry Miller On 01-Oct-2007
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 1193
Categories : Batch
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip 2250: PlotDwgs.lsp
PLTDWGS.LSP (Top Tip) plots a series of drawings such as all the currently open drawings, an entire folder of drawings, or a set of layouts.

Tip 2250: Batch Plot Manager
This month's top tip, Batch Plot Manager by Terry Miller, is designed to let users plot a series of drawings such as all the currently open drawings, an entire folder of drawings, or a set of layouts. The code will require revisions before it will be useful for you. (Knowledge of Visual LISP isn't required to make the needed changes, but it's helpful.) At a minimum, you'll need to change embedded details regarding plotters, printers, and users. You may want to make other changes as well, depending on your needs. The real gem here is deep inside the function set. The source code details a lot of options and includes comments to assist in controlling your plotters. Also intriguing here, you'll find that VBA runs and controls Visual LISP to allow the function to run across multiple drawings. I highly recommend that anyone thinking about writing a customized plot-management tool start with this tool as a base. It's well structured and easy to read and modify. Terry, congratulations on earning this month's $100 top tip award -- great job!



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