Do you ever get tired of having to fill out the attributes in an attributed block every time it's inserted into a drawing? Here's how to eliminate this when you are creating the block. First create the geometry (lines, circles, etc.). Next execute the Attdef command and select the option that best suits the needs of your new block. Select the preset option in the Attdef menu while creating the attributed text. After placing the geometry and text where you want them, use the Block command to marry the geometry and attributed definitions into a happy attributed block! When I create multiple blocks in one drawing, I then use Wblock to create individual blocks to place into my library. Execute the Wblock command and for each block choose Block as a source and select the new block by name in the pulldown menu. Then complete the Wblock command as you normally would.
Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: Preset attributes will automatically be set to their default value during the insert command, provided ATTDIA = 0. If ATTDIA = 1, then the Edit Attributes dialog will still appear and prompt you for a value when inserting the block. If you have existing blocks that were not defined with preset attributes, and you still want to insert them without any prompting for the attribute values, you can set ATTREQ = 0, which will suppress all prompting.