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Edit Attribute Values in the Properties Palette
Tip# 4468 By Nick Antonov On 04-May-2015
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Attributed Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Rename File To : No Files to download.
The Properties palette can change the attributes of multiple blocks with the same name.

This tip is a response to Tips 3789, 3767, and 3679 about using the AutoCAD Gatte command to change the attributes of multiple blocks with the same name within a drawing.

I use the Properties palette for the same purpose.

I can select the blocks with the same name (no matter how many) on the Properties pallete. Scroll down to the "BLOCK: <Block Name>" to see a list with all attributes in the block. The current values will be shown on the right column. If the values of the same attribute are different for several blocks, it will say "varies."

Simply click on the field and type what you want the attribute to be changed to. Hit Enter, and all selected blocks with the same name and that attribute value will change.

You can do the same to the visibility state if the blocks have that feature.
I prefer this way rather than following the prompts on the Command line, which might be confusing.

Notes from Cadalyst tip review R.K. McSwain: Nick's alternative of using the Properties palette is a good idea and should work in most situations where the Gatte command would also work.


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User comments
Comment by Anderson,Jim
Posted on 2015-05-05 04:12:01
Good tip. I wish it would work for blocks (titleblocks) in paperspace layouts.
Comment by Mansell,Tom
Posted on 2015-05-06 10:21:30
I used ET.lsp for many years to edit attributes but have recently found using Quick_Properties pallete (just like Properties pallete) quicker and gives many additional options if you turn on many of the hidden customizable features. To avoid the popup pallete from becoming annoying, however, push the toolbar to your second monitor.