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Copy Attributes and More
Tip# 3778 By Robert Zipprich On 16-Nov-2011
Rated By 0 users Downloaded : 1348
Categories : Single-Line Text, Menus, Attributed Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : copyatts.bmp,copyatt.bmp,COPYATT.lsp,COPYATT.txt,copyattg.bmp,copyattmap.bmp
This routine comprises four functions related to copying text and attributes.

This is a comprehensive routine that contains many AutoCAD functions related to copying text and attributes. Fortunately, tip author Robert Zipprich has provided a detailed readme file that contains all the information you need about each of the included functions.

Start by loading the LISP routine, which loads the four main functions:

  • CopyAtt allows you to copy text or attribute strings and replace or append a second entity.
  • CopyAttG copies all attribute values in Block1 to Block2, matching TAG names attribute to attribute.
  • CopyAttS copies an attribute value from Block1 to Block2 using user-specified TAG names.
  • CopyAttMap is just like CopyAttS, except the selection of Block1 and Block2 are done from a menu.

Robert has also provided the menu and even toolbar icons for this routine. Nice job, Robert.


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