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Battman to the Rescue
Tip# 3523 By Alexandre Marion On 07-Nov-2010
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Attributed Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD 2011
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Use the Block Attribute Manager command to reorganize blocks.

Tipster Alexandre Marion sends us a tip about the AutoCAD Block Attribute Manager command, better known as Battman.

"I've found a command called Battman (pretty easy to remember, right?) that lets you reorganize a block the way you want it, without having to enter the Block Editor. This really helps out in situations such as dealing with a block made by someone with no experience."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: Battman is the command you want to use in AutoCAD to help you manage the block attributes of a specific block. It doesn't change the information that you put into a block that has attributes; it manages the attribute objects of a block instead.

To use it, type Battman on the Command line. This will bring up the Block Attribute Manager window. Select a block, then edit the settings of the attributes in that block. If you edit a block's attributes, remember to press the Sync button; this will update every instance of that block in your file.


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User comments
Comment by Hein,David
Posted on 2010-11-15 19:03:05
Battman is also available on the Ribbon for users who have AutoCAD 2009 or later. It can be found by going to the Insert menu and looking in the Attributes panel. There it's called "Manage". ... and usually it's not someone else's work that I have to deal with. It's me! :) Dave.