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Automatically Display Point Coordinates with a Block
Tip# 3631 By Danny Korem On 24-Apr-2011
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 2336
Categories : Attributed Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : current_point.dwg
Use blocks and fields together to display the coordinates of points.

Tipster Danny Korem came up with a great use of attributed blocks empowered by fields to display the coordinates of a point in AutoCAD.

"Whenever real-world coordinates are to be displayed in a drawing, you might create a block. The block should have a point and an attribute for the coordinates (according to your coordinate system). When the attribute is created (or later edited) in the Value area, use the Insert Field option. In the Field dialog box, select Objects in the Object field category. For field name, use the Select button to select the point, and finally select Position for the property you'd like your attribute to quote. After selecting the format and precision, close everything by clicking OK.
"Now, move your block anywhere and use Regen, Save, Plot, etc., to help AutoCAD refresh the attribute value."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol:
Blocks and fields are two of my favorite tools to use in AutoCAD. Blocks are meant to enable users to easily reuse repeated linework over and over again. Fields are meant to read data and display them in text, notes, dimensions, and blocks. Use them together and you have created a huge timesaver. Many designers need to display the coordinates of points for many reasons. I made a simple version of the block described in the tip, but there are many more things that can be done with it depending on what your needs are. There are many options to choose from when creating this block (or any block.) You can display just the x and y coordinates, or maybe just the z coordinate (in the case you want to display elevation). Fields can read most any bit of information from an object in AutoCAD. You can even create a block that displays the scale of a viewport.


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User comments
Comment by Tulis,Ralph
Posted on 2011-04-25 14:49:00
I frequently utilize this functionality within my dynamic blocks. I have many blocks that depict components that are the same except for their length. I use an attribute with a text string that includes a Field to label the block. The Field displays the Linear parameter used to size the block. The only drawback I have found is that Fields cannot be used within a text string that is annotative. It simply does not display correctly (v2009).
Comment by Richardson,Eddy
Posted on 2011-04-26 04:31:54
This works fine in World UCS but still gives World coordinates whatever the current UCS is set to.... still very useful though...