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AutoLISP Solutions: Import Blocks and Attributes
Tip# ALSPSOL1106 By Tony Hotchkiss On 01-Nov-2006
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 1593
Categories : Attributed Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip ALSPSOL1106 11alispsol-insblk3.LSP and 11alispsol-insblk3.DCL
Inserts multiple copies of the same block with different attribute values for each block, using data from delimited file.

James Anderson of Atlanta, Georgia, requested an update of my block insertion program from 2005 (INS-BLK). Anderson wants to insert multiple copies of the same block with different attribute values for each insertion by using data from a delimited file from a spreadsheet or database file. He also wants to control the scale of the blocks and would like the option of manually picking the insertion point. In addition, the blocks should be inserted in either model space or in a paper space layout. This latter request makes a difference to the Visual LISP method INSERTBLOCK because the model or paper space designation is a required part of that method. Finally, Anderson requested that the program work with blocks with any number of attributes.
INSBLK3.LSP and INSBLK3.DCL have all of the above features, in addition to a dialog box that controls:

The block or symbols location (current or external drawing)
Import file delimiter (comma or semicolon)
Insertion point method (automatic or manual)
Model or paper space
Block scale
These choices are shown on the Import Blocks and Attributes dialog box below.



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