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Adjust Multiline Attribute Line Spacing
Tip# 4300 By Levi Connolly On 05-May-2014
Rated By 1 users
Categories : Attributed Blocks
Software type : AutoCAD 2014
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Here's a tip for how to control the line space factor on a multiline attributed block.

Levi Connolly shares this AutoCAD tip for how to control the line space factor on a multiline attributed block.

The line space factor can be increased easily by setting the Attipe system variable to 1 (enables the Mtext editing menu for multiline attributed text), and clicking the line spacing button on the expanded text formatting menu. If you need to reduce the line space factor so the characters will fit into a smaller space like a block symbol, or whatever the case may be, try this: Highlight the text in the editor, click on the line spacing button, and choose the more option. In the paragraph dialog box that pops up, check the paragraph line spacing box, select multiple in the dropdown menu, and type in a digit less than one, such as 0.65. Then click OK and check out the reduced line spacing. You may have to increase or decrease the number to suit your needs.     

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: Although a previous tip, No. 3642, reminds us about the fairly obscure system variable Attipe, this tip gives us another reason to set the value to 1. Thanks for the detailed information regarding the paragraph spacing, Levi.


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