Some time ago I needed to create a flange on the end of a contour roll and discovered that sheet metal tools didn’t offer a way to do this. I noticed I had access to the 3D model tools and thought I’d try to use them to accomplish this.
I selected the cut end of the contour roll, created a new sketch, and projected the boundary.
I then extruded that sketch, Thickness*2. If the extrusion is not long enough, the flange feature will not work.
I then was able to use the Sheet Metal Flange tool and create the flange that I needed.
I could then add other standard flanges as necessary.
This will flatten just like any other sheet metal component. That allows me to create these panels as one unit; otherwise I would have to create separate components and possibly have to weld them.
Note: This tip has not been reviewed by a Cadalyst tip reviewer.