David Gaskill sent this Inventor tip that shows how to pattern a part from an existing array.
Here’s how to create a part and add a feature (in this case a hole), and then create a pattern of the feature you created. It can be a polar or rectangular pattern; I’m using a rectangle.
Create an assembly, add the part you just created and a piece of hardware (can be any part; does not have to be hardware), I’m using content center, but that’s not necessary. Constrain the hardware to the hole. Here I used insert.
Then you can pattern the hardware leveraging the patterned hole from the part created. Select pattern in the assemble tab of the ribbon, pick the hardware with the component button selected. Here’s where the magic happens. Pick associated feature pattern and then select the pattern of holes on the part just created. The hardware will pattern using the existing pattern of the hole.
Now go back to the part and change the hole pattern, using the edit feature.
Switch back to the assembly and notice how the patterned array of hardware updated to the new hole pattern.
Tip: This works only if you pattern the feature in the part; it does not work if you copy the hole or create the holes separately.
Note: This Inventor tip has not been reviewed by a Cadalyst tip reviewer. |