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Ground Parts of Assemblies
Tip# 4491 By Alex Kaplan On 22-Jun-2015
Rated By 0 users
Categories : 3D Editing
Software type : Inventor
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Here's a tip that helps when constraining a part/assembly in Autodesk Inventor is not working as you expect.

Sometimes when you are constraining a part/assembly in Autodesk Inventor, it does not work as you expect.

I often use the Ground command for parts of assemblies where I want to attach a corresponding part/assembly.

To make multi-grounded parts/assemblies, I use the right mouse button to select needed parts/assemblies. To add or remove parts/assemblies, use the Ctrl key.

The left mouse button opens a menu. Select Ground, which turns the Ground command on or off, accordingly. Now you should see your parts attached nicely.


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