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Donut Scale
Tip# 2012 By Richard Paquette On 01-Feb-2005
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 464
Categories : 3D Editing
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2012: donutscale.lsp
donutscale.lsp by Richard Paquette scales donut objects while retaining their original position. Written to resize rebar cross sections.

Donut Scale (Tip #2012) from Richard Paquette is another example of a simple but time-saving macro that makes use of the existing commands and LISP to get the job done. The utility scales donut objects while retaining their original position. Born from having to adjust patterns of rebar cross sections represented as donuts in AutoCAD (closed polylines with thickness), this utility shows that necessity is indeed the mother of invention.



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