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Create 3d Solids Quickly
Tip# 3057 By Pedro Ferreira On 12-Dec-2008
Rated By 1 users
Categories : 3D Editing, 3D Operations
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : No Files to download.
This tip lets you create a 3d Solid of an area in a drawing.

When Pedro Ferreira wants to create a 3d Solid of an area in a drawing (for example the walls of an house), he uses the simultaneous keystroke of CTRL+ALT and picks the area he wants to create into a 3d Solid. This area can be defined by Lines, polylines, regions, etc.  Press CTRL+ALT and move the cursor to the area that needs to be a solid.  AutoCAD shows where you can create a 3dsolid!

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol:  This is a great tip.  In reality, this invokes the PRESS/PULL command.  But this may be a better shortcut for many users.  Press and hold the keys, CTRL and ALT simultaneously.  While holding those two keys, move the cursor over a closed area (any combination of lines, arcs, polylines, etc.) similar to creating a hatch, then LEFT-CLICK.  This starts the command.  Now drag the mouse back and forth to tell AutoCAD where the opposite face of the solid is to be.  Using the PRESS/PULL command works the same way.  Start the command, select the area (or face on an object) left click, and drag the mouse.  This is a fantastic shortcut!  Thanks Pedro.


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Comment by Nowaski,Steve
Posted on 2013-10-28 13:58:17
I don't believe this shortcut works in AutoCAD versions above 2010. If anyone knows how to make this work in 2012, I'd appreciate knowing how. It really was a great method used to create 3D solids.