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Choose Two Points and Extrude to Length
Tip# 3702 By Ren Smith On 13-Aug-2011
Rated By 0 users
Categories : 3D Editing
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : No Files to download.
This routine starts the Extrude command for a 2D object.

Ren Smith created this brief LISP routine to help determine the distance an object needs to be extruded in AutoCAD.

"A coworker asked if I could make a command to extrude an object to a distance by picking two points in the drawing. Here it is:

; Created by Ren Smith
;Extrude to a predefined distance by picking on two points
;AutoCAD 2011
(defun C:EXTD ()
(command "Extrude" PAUSE "" (getdist " Pick Two points for Distance:")))

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol:
This routine is simple to use. It starts the Extrude command; you select a 2D object to extrude, then choose two points that define a distance. I couldn't get it to extrude the face of a solid — just 2D closed polygons, regions, boundaries, etc. This is a nice command to use when you don't know the distance to extrude, but it needs to match a distance between two points that are in your model already. It saves the extra step of measuring or calculating the distance and having to enter it into the Extrude command.


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