Frequent tipster Danny Korem explains that many AutoCAD commands have options, and that we should consider using them and not just the default settings.
"Most users operate in similar ways to complete similar tasks, as in the case of dimensions:
Most users will specify the first extension line as a reflex, while pressing Enter will select the default option (in AutoCAD-speak, <> stands for default). In the case of a linear dimension, the selectable object can be a line; a polyline segment; both, included within a block object; or even an xref attachment. The same goes for the Move and/or Copy commands. Instead of opting for a base point, press Enter for the default displacement. In a specific case when an object is to be copied to the same location, the default displacement of 0,0,0 (x, y, and z) will do it the fastest and most efficient way.
"In other cases, adding Shift or Control will make the difference: If a radius is set to the Fillet option, press Shift while selecting and you'll get a 0 radius (the radius value will be kept for future use). You might like to add multiple insertion points to a block: While in the Block Editor interface, one can add several point parameters (ignore the exclamation marks telling you that no action was attached to the parameter). Save the block and the next time you insert it, use the Control key to switch between multiple insertion points.
"Many times, AutoCAD users will select the first option they meet when they select a command — which is not necessarily the most efficient one in the context of their current task. Explore. Try other options and, most of all, enjoy."
Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer Brian Benton: AutoCAD is a very complex program that has a plethora of options. Most commands in the program have options which are easily overlooked — or just plain forgotten about. The Command line, as well as dynamic input, will display these options. Recent versions of AutoCAD's Command line have clickable text, so the user can click the options to initiate them. |