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Right-Click Your Way to a Polyline
Tip# 4047 By James Olszewski On 14-Jan-2013
Rated By 0 users
Categories : 2D Operations
Software type : AutoCAD Civil 3D
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Convert objects to polylines in AutoCAD verticals.

Tipster James J. Olszewski shares a quick and easy way to convert AutoCAD objects to a polyline in AutoCAD verticals.

"This is a useful tip about an ever-present editing tool that many may not have noticed. When there is a line that you want to convert to a polyline, all you need do is select it, right-click, and choose Convert to Polyline from the right-click menu. If you then want to edit the new polyline (or any other polyline), simply select it, right-click, and select Polyline Edit from the right-click menu. Then right-click again to perform the operation you want."

Notes from Brian Benton, Cadalyst tip reviewer:
This tip makes converting objects to polylines a breeze. Unfortunately this right-click option only exists in AutoCAD verticals, such as Civil 3D. I don't know why it isn't in standard AutoCAD, but it isn't.


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User comments
Comment by Bachman,Lisa
Posted on 2013-01-30 13:57:22
You can also set PEDITACCEPT to 1. When you do this you can use the PEDIT command and it will automatically convert lines and arcs to polylines so you can edit them in one step. With it set to 0 you are prompted to turn it into one.