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Place Objects Midway Between Two Points
Tip# 3980 By Darren Bourne On 17-Sep-2012
Rated By 0 users
Categories : 2D Operations
Software type : AutoCAD 2013
Rename File To : No Files to download.
An alternative to using the Midpoint snap.

Tipster Darren Bourne shares a trick he uses when designing in AutoCAD that takes advantage of the Mid Between Two Points object snap.

"I use this technique quite often; it saves me time when manipulating objects. Look for the Mid Between Two Points option on the default snaps right-click menu (accessible by pressing Ctrl or Shift + right-click). This is great if you need to pick up objects or place them exactly midway between two points. If you use the x, y, and z filters, you can place items in the middle of objects. It takes the guesswork out of placing objects. Remember that this option selects the exact midpoint, regardless of orientation, so a little care should be used also."

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton: This snap is very easy to use. Start drawing a line, circle, arc, whatever. Press Shift + right-click, and pick the Mid Between Two Points option. Now choose two points and your object will be drawn exactly in the middle of those two points. Why not just use the Midpoint snap? Because you don’t always have a line (or any object) to snap to. The alternative, which requires extra steps, is to draw a line between those two points. Start your command (a new line, perhaps), then snap to the first line's midpoint. Then erase the first line.


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User comments
Comment by challinor,keith
Posted on 2012-09-18 06:54:23
this functionality can also be accessed by typing either MTP or M2P whilst in a command requiring a point to be specified
Posted on 2012-09-20 08:51:13
I use this so often, it would amaze you. I even use it in conjunction with other snaps i.e. Mirroring between two centers... By typing in MI, then selecting Mid between 2 points, then CTRL Rt click (select center) - then select 1st cirlce, thenCTRL Rt click again (select center)- then select 2nd circle. I also use it in dimensioning when drawing floorplans that are dimensioned between walls, etc. In solid modeling, in mechanical, in all aspects of CAD! So Many usesso much time saved.
Posted on 2012-09-20 08:51:24
I use this so often, it would amaze you. I even use it in conjunction with other snaps i.e. Mirroring between two centers... By typing in MI, then selecting Mid between 2 points, then CTRL Rt click (select center) - then select 1st cirlce, thenCTRL Rt click again (select center)- then select 2nd circle. I also use it in dimensioning when drawing floorplans that are dimensioned between walls, etc. In solid modeling, in mechanical, in all aspects of CAD! So Many uses so much time saved.
Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2012-09-22 07:50:56
For those with versions of AutoCAD too old to have mid-of-two object snap, the attached file will provide it. Include the code in your acaddoc.lsp or other automatically-loaded source, or leave it in a separate file and have that loaded automatically, and to use it, type (m2) [with the parentheses], or put (m2) into a menu item such as a toolbar button along with other object snap modes.