Robert Zipprich sends us his method for moving objects to specific coordinates. "I like using Dynamic Input, but there are times when I want to move things to a specific set of coordinates. In Dynamic Input objects will move relative to the first point picked, so moving an object from a base point and keying in 12,12 the object will move 12 inches right and 12 inches up from the first point picked. To move the object to a specific coordinate location, select the base point and then key in # followed by the coordinates 12,12 and the object will move to coordinate location 12,12." NOTES FROM CADALYST TIP PATROL: If you don’t use Dynamic Input, then things are reversed, sort of. Typing in 12,12 will move the object to those coordinates. In order to move the object 12 units to the right, ten 12 units up, type the @ symbol in front of the numbers (@12,12). |