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Maintain Selection Sets to Copy
Tip# 3012 By Ronald Maneja On 07-Oct-2008
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 534
Categories : Misc. User Tools, 2D Operations
Software type : AutoCAD 2008
Rename File To : CLIPBOARD.LSP
Maintain multiple selection sets ready to copy.

Ronald Maneja sent in an interesting set of functions that allow you to maintain multiple selection sets ready to copy. In Maintain Selection Sets to Copy, the command functions Q1, Q2, and Q3 operate like the Copy command. The first time you run one of the Q functions, you are asked to define a selection set of entity picks to be used in a Copy command. The next time you run the same Q function, the previous selection set is automatically selected for the Copy command. To clear the set, type RQ1, RQ2, or RQ3 respectively. This routine uses the global symbols SS1, SS2, and SS3 to house the selection sets and PTS1, PTS2, and PTS3 for the points, meaning they could interfere with existing programs in your system. Harry recommends that you change these common symbol names to something more cryptic, then have at it.


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