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Horizontal Rotation
Tip# 2157 By Bob Larsh On 01-Oct-2006
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 258
Categories : 2D Operations
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip2157: Hrotate.lsp
Rotate objects around specified x-axis when angle of rotation is not readily known.

Horizontal Rotation (Tip #2157) by Bob Larsh is a variation of AutoCAD's Rotation command. This version lets you select two points representing the desired horizontal. Load the LISP code and type HROTATE to start the function. First, select the objects to be rotated. Next, pick two points representing the desired x-axis for the objects. They are then rotated into position around the first point selected. Great for mapmakers and detail drawings, this is a handy tip when the angle of rotation is not quickly available.



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