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Group 'em
Tip# 1915 By Leonid Nemirovsky On 01-Dec-2003
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 206
Categories : 2D Operations
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1915: ZX.LSP
ZX.LSP creates a temporary group of objects for use later or with the Move and Copy commands.

Tip #1915 [ZX.LSP]
The Group command can be cumbersome and overkill. This AutoLISP macro establishes a group of objects
named Zx if, for example, you need to tie a group of objects together for repeated or later use with Move and Copy.
(defun c:zx (/x)
(setq x (ssget)
Load ZX.LSP, select a set, type ZX at any Select Objects prompt. Use the set as is or add and remove objects. The grouping is destroyed when you close the drawing.



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