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Explore Grip Editing Options
Tip# 4412 By R.T. Rinehart On 12-Jan-2015
Rated By 1 users
Categories : 2D Operations, 2D Editing
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Grip editing is a very powerful and often overlooked tool.

Many users overlook a very powerful AutoCAD feature when using grip editing. When you have a grip selected, you can use the space bar to cycle through the various modification commands: Move, Copy, Rotate, Scale, and Mirror. However, the real power comes in the copying aspects of the commands. Just enter a C at the Command prompt once your grip is hot to place it in multiple copy mode. The uses for this functionality are endless, but here are a couple of examples:

  • Grip the arrow on a quick leader (press C for multiple mode) and pick points to add more leaders.
  • Lay out arc parking by gripping a line tangent to an arc and rotating it around that arc in multiple copy mode.

The grip editing functions also have base points and reference options for precise layout of many elements. I encourage everyone to explore these powerful timesaving tools.

Notes from Cadalyst tip reviewer R.K. McSwain: As R.T. states, advanced grip editing is very powerful and often overlooked. Explore the tips here and related ones in Tip #3791 and Tip #3165; you'll probably find something you can use in your work.


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User comments
Comment by Maeding,James
Posted on 2015-01-12 17:03:07
wow, I never saw that C option. This is a really good tip and I've seen a lot.
Comment by Shehata,Tawfik
Posted on 2015-01-12 18:24:46
Using the C option to add quick leaders is fine, but if you are using Mleaders, then using this method will create copies of the entire Mleader including the text, so when it comes to Mleaders, you can add more leaders using the "Add Leader" option that shows up when hovering over the middle grip between the landing & arrow head.