Don Bentz shares a tip about the AutoCAD command Add Selected.
"One of my favorite new commands that has been added in the past few releases is AddSelected. You can select an object, then right-click (make sure your right-click shortcut menus are turned on) and choose Add Selected from the pull-down list. It can also be accessed through the Draw toolbar or entered at the Command line. A new object is created with the same basic properties as the selected object, plus additional properties depending on the object type — similar to using a tool palette, but quicker."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton: AddSelected is similar to the Copy command, but not identical. The command will create the type of object you select; it will also be created on the same layer as the selected object. If you want to create text that is on the same layer and with the same text style as text that is already in your file, use the Add Selected command. You can also copy the text object, then edit the text, but Add Selected is a much smoother process. It even works on attributed blocks. |