Tipster Bill Deshawn sent this tip about using Autodesk's SSX.LSP routine in AutoCAD.
"Qselect has its good points, no doubt. I've used it before when I thought it was appropriate. However, SSX.lsp, provided by Autodesk, is an excellent tool for picking an object and automatically selecting all the objects whose properties are identical to the one chosen. Then in a subsequent command option or function, you can type P for the previous selection set. It is so fast, and so productive, that it should actually be a core command." Notes from Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton: The SSX.lsp routine can be tricky to use, but it can also be very powerful and useful. Start the command by typing SSX on the Command line, then press the Enter key. Follow the onscreen directions. Pick an object that you want to be in your selection set. Press Enter again and the screen will indicate how many objects were selected. These objects will be exactly like the one selected first. Keep in mind that you do not have any objects currently selected. You have to do this before you start a command.
Run the SSX command and make your selection. Start the Move command. When asked to make a selection press the P key, then Enter. This will select a previous selection set, which is the last selection set you had. That set will be the one made using the SSX command. You can filter out objects. After you start SSX and make your selection, a screen pops up, displaying your filter options. You can filter by several object attributes like color, block name, layer, etc. Pick the one you want to filter, then enter the property (for color it might be 55 to filter the color 55), then choose if you want to add or remove this filter to your set. Using this feature might take some getting used to if you have never used it before but there is a lot you can do with it. |