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Copy Objects to a New Layer with the Copytolayer Command
Tip# 4453 By David Gaskill On 13-Apr-2015
Rated By 0 users
Categories : 2D Operations
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Rename File To : No Files to download.
A very useful tip for copying things to different layers.

An often forgotten AutoCAD command is Copytolayer, which will allow you to copy one or more objects to a different layer. You can choose to copy them in place or move the copy just like the regular Copy command. To choose the destination layer, you can either pick a reference object or select the layer name from a list.

Notes from Cadalyst tip review R.K. McSwain: I find a lot of AutoCAD users are not aware of the Copytolayer command. It's very useful if you need to make a copy of something and put that copy on a different layer.


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