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Tip# 1911 By J.D. Henman On 01-Nov-2003
Rated By 2 users Downloaded : 1136
Categories : 2D Operations
Software type : AutoCAD
Rename File To : Tip1911: CA.LSP
CA.LSP lets you pick both reference points on an object first, then enter the number of copies to align, unlike the Align command.

Tip #1911 [CA.LSP]
Unlike the Align command, CA.LSP lets you pick both reference points on an object first, then enter the number
of copies you need to align. One (1) is the default, and zero (0) aligns without copying. The pivot point is
always the first pick in either case. I use this a lot with cylinder pivots in layouts because
I don't have to use a separate Copy command. I also use it to array objects around elliptical profiles using
centerlines as my references. You don t need to enter a quantity to do multiple copies.



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User comments
Comment by Henman,J.D.
Posted on 2010-08-02 16:43:42
An improvement over my original CA command. This version uses the distance from the original 2 points to place a temporary circle with the distance as the radius centered on the second pivot point. The intersection of the circle and existing geometry sometimes provides the exact point required. i.e. Laying out chain linkage along the centerline of a curved path. Some layer editing may be desired before using the program.
Comment by Henman,J.D.
Posted on 2010-08-03 17:36:53
Story of my life... don't have the time to really check code. The layer handling was really bad on that last version. This is the one I am really using.
Comment by Marquez,Roy
Posted on 2013-04-05 19:47:18
Thank you very much for this code. Very usefull