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Use the Command Line to Count Holes
Tip# 4181 By Darby Anderson On 09-Sep-2013
Rated By 1 users
Categories : 2D Editing
Software type : AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD Mechanical
Rename File To : No Files to download.
This trick works for many commands in AutoCAD and its verticals.

Darby Anderson shares a trick to help users count holes in AutoCAD Mechanical.

"Many times I've needed a count of a particular set of holes in an item, and I found that the Move command will do it for me. I execute the command, select what I need counted, and press Enter to finish the selection. The Command line will display a count of entities selected while asking for a base point. I just press Escape and try my best to remember what it said. You may have to isolate a layer or two in order for this to work, but it sure beats trying to count with these old eyes."

Cadalyst Tip Reviewer Brian Benton: This trick works for many commands in AutoCAD and its verticals, including AutoCAD Mechanical. Start a command in which you have to select objects to edit, such as the Move command in the example above. The Command line will tell you how many objects you have selected. This is an easy way to count anything — just be careful making your selections.


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User comments
Comment by Kellogg,C. Frank
Posted on 2013-09-09 14:51:00
I just use the Properties tool pallete. Select your holes and look at the top of the pallete, and it will show you how many you selected. if you miss a few, just add them to the count. If you happen to select other items as well, there will be a pull down where you can isolate just the circles, and even check that they are all the same size, on the same layer, etc., and if not, Make It So.
Comment by Dean,Tommy
Posted on 2013-09-09 14:55:54
You can also just select all the items you want counted. Holes, lines, etc. And hit "list". It will tell you how many items were found, and if you happen to forget the count, hit F2 and that will bring the window back up. With list, there's no chance of moving or losing things.