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Save and Reuse Multiple Offset Distance Values
Tip# 3472 By Kent Cooper On 10-Aug-2010
Rated By 2 users Downloaded : 670
Categories : 2D Editing
Software type : AutoCAD 2011
Rename File To : OFFMULT.lsp
Retain up to 20 offset values for use with the Offset command.

If you use the Offset command frequently in AutoCAD and find yourself repeating the same offset values over and over, this routine from Kent Cooper will come in handy. The routine will remember as many as 20 offset values so you don't have to change the default when running the Offset command. Say that you are offsetting lines for walls at distances of 2-1/2", 3-5/8", 6", 7-5/8", and 11-5/8". After you enter each of those offset distances once, you can return to each of them at any time. Start by loading the LISP routine, then try the first defined command, named OA. Enter a value and offset an entity. Now repeat this step, incrementing the value of the second letter  each time (OA, OB, OC, OD, etc.). After you have entered a few, go back and try OA again; you will see that the routine remembers your original input for this command. These values are retained between sessions also. Great idea, Kent.


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