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Multiple Fillet Radius Values
Tip# 4457 By Kent Cooper On 15-Apr-2015
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 658
Categories : 2D Editing
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Rename File To : FilletMult.lsp
This routine lets you save and reuse multiple fillet radius values with the F0 through F9 commands.

In the spirit of Tip #3472, "Save and Reuse Multiple Offset Distance Values" and Tip #3873, "Perform Multiple Fillets with Radius Zero," Kent Cooper presents this similar routine that lets you save and reuse multiple fillet radius values with the F0 through F9 commands in AutoCAD.

This routine handles as many as 10 remembered radius values, but more commands can easily be added if needed, including the possibility of letters instead of numbers (e.g., FA, FB, etc.), as long as care is taken not to conflict with command aliases.  The values are stored as environment variables, so they are retained even after exiting AutoCAD.

To get started, load the AutoLISP file. The command F0 will perform a fillet with radius 0.0. The first time you run one of the other commands, such as F1 or F2, you will be prompted for a radius. From that point on, the radius you enter for that command will be remembered.


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User comments
Comment by Wilson,Robert
Posted on 2015-04-20 13:43:42
Very nice routine. How difficult would it be to make a similar but with the chamfer command (equal sides) ?
Comment by Kellogg,C. Frank
Posted on 2015-04-20 16:59:33
For both fillets and chamfers (equal) I have defun c:'s in my acaddoc.lsp file. For instance, c32 is chamfer at 1/32,1/32 (woodwork). (defun C:c32 ( ) (command "chamfer" "distance" ".03125" ".03125" "chamfer" "multiple" ) (princ "Multiple Chamfer at Distance 1/32-1/32" )(princ) ) f0 and fo are both fillet at zero. f1 is fillet at 1/8, ff6 is fillet an entire polyline at 6/8. f30 is fillet at 3". f36 is fillet at 3/16. I could go on. I have similar command combinations for offset, too.
Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2015-04-21 21:38:50
Frank Kellogg's description is a good approach, and long before FilletMult.lsp, I had an FZ command of that ilk, for getting a Zero radius when Fillet's radius may have been set to something else. The difference between FilletMult.lsp's commands and that approach is that these can have their values changed any time you want, right from inside the commands. They are "fixed" inasmuch as the values are retained as long as you don't change them, even across drawing sessions. But say you have a specialized and repeated need, just for a given project, for a Fillet radius of 1.234, and you set that value into, say, the F7 command. You can use it that way as much as you want, but once that project is done and you don't need that specific radius any more, you can call up F7 another time and set a different value into it, right there within the command. You don't need to open up a code file and change it there and re-load it.
Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2015-04-21 21:47:42
Mr. Wilson: Not too hard -- I'll work on that. Would it make sense to have the C0 [that's C-zero] command be fixed to use Chamfer distances of zero, the way the F0 command works, or since they're equivalent in result, should it just be left to F0 to do that, keeping C0 available for some other value?
Comment by Wilson,Robert
Posted on 2015-04-23 07:00:52
Kent, Leaving C0 open for another value would be good. I see using both routines often. Thanks