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Get a Better Grip
Tip# 3678 By Leonid Nemirovsky On 10-Jul-2011
Rated By 0 users
Categories : 2D Editing
Software type : AutoCAD 2012
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Enter grip mode to edit objects, saving time and effort.

Frequent tipster Leonid Nemirovsky shares a tip about using grips in AutoCAD.

"Highlight an object to activate the grips, make one of the grips 'hot' by clicking it, press Enter, and move your mouse. That will start moving the object. While moving the mouse, press Enter again; the selected object will rotate, using the hot grip as the center of rotation. If you press Enter again, you will be able to scale the object again using the hot grip as a base."
Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: This procedure is called grip mode. Grip editing objects can save a lot of time and effort; objects can be manipulated quickly without having to stop to activate commands.

Select an object or objects (without starting a command) to activate grip mode. Pick a grip to make it "hot." You can select more than one hot grip by holding down the Shift key while picking different grips' boxes. Once a hot grip has been activated, press the Enter key to change grip modes. Otherwise you are defaulted to stretching the selected grips, or hot grips.


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User comments
Comment by Tarquinio,David
Posted on 2011-07-11 14:17:56
You can do the same thing by making the grip hot and hitting the space bar repeatedly and get the same results.
Comment by Funke,Gerald
Posted on 2011-07-11 15:10:14
To further expand, once you’ve made the grip hot and entered to the mode you want, hit ‘c’ to copy the line. For instance, if you are in the stretch mode and hit ‘c’, a copy of that line will be stretched from the base point (the original line remains intact). The base point can also be changed by hitting ‘b’. One caveat is that once you escape from the ‘c’ command, the original line is still highlighted. You must hit ‘esc’ twice to disengage totally.