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Fix for Fillet "Radius is Too Large"
Tip# 4459 By Kent Cooper On 15-Apr-2015
Rated By 1 users Downloaded : 756
Categories : 2D Editing
Software type : AutoCAD 2015
Rename File To : FilletMax.lsp
This routine will report the maximum radius that will work in a given fillet situation.

If you've ever tried to use the Fillet command and received the message "Radius is too large," then this routine can help. This routine will report the maximum radius that will work in a given fillet situation.

After you load the AutoLISP file, run the command FM and pick the two lines to Fillet. The maximum radius will be shown as well as the current radius value assigned to the Fillet command in AutoCAD. From this point you can make your radius choice without worrying about using a value too large.


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User comments
Comment by Cooper,Robert
Posted on 2015-04-21 03:45:31
As usual, Kent is on top of his game....
Comment by Cooper,Kent
Posted on 2015-04-21 21:26:05
Thank you, Robert, and I think we should inform people that there's no nepotism here -- no relation [as far as I know].