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Eliminate Overdraws with Overkill
Tip# 3293 By R.T. Rinehart On 01-Nov-2009
Rated By 2 users
Categories : 2D Editing
Software type : AutoCAD 2010
Rename File To : No Files to download.
To clean up this redundancy, simply enter Overkill at the command line, select the entire drawing or just the offending lines, and click Enter.

Civil technician R.T. Rinehart discusses the Overkill command, a handy tool that will help you clean up a drawing that has similar objects stacked on top of each other.

"Do you ever receive drawings from architects that have multiple lines on top of one another? One example is a floor plan external reference that has been referenced into several different drawings and then bound into one. There may be 15 different instances of a particular wall line in one drawing, and that's just no fun at all.

"To clean up this redundancy, simply enter Overkill at the command line, select the entire drawing or just the offending lines, and click Enter. The Overkill dialog box appears, giving you options to control the filtering of the entities by ignoring layer, line type, color, line weight, and plot style, as well as the options to combine co-linear objects based upon endpoints and to overlap by numeric fuzz. Perhaps the coolest feature is the Optimize Polylines command, which will help weed out unwanted vertices. Explore these options to quickly eliminate those pesky overdraws."

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: One of the Express Tools, the Overkill command is also known as the Delete Duplicate Objects command. Overkill will delete objects of the same type that are drawn in exactly the same way. If a line on layer 10 has another line on top of it that is also on layer 10, Overkill will delete one of the two. If the second line is on a different layer, it will be left alone, unless you turn on the Ignore Layer option when you start the command. The same behavior can be expected for the other Ignore settings.

For a video demonstration of the Overkill command, check out Overkill Can Be a Good Thing on the Cadalyst Video Gallery, a tip from Cadalyst and Autodesk technical evangelist Lynn Allen.


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User comments
Comment by Duzan,Tim
Posted on 2009-11-02 16:45:38
Mapclean is another alternate for cleaning up multiple objects, but also has more options, like deleting Zero Length Objects, Weed Polylines, etc. If you've ever had a polyline not close, such as for a surface boundary, this is the option that you might use.
Comment by Pearl,Dawn
Posted on 2009-11-03 07:46:15
Drawing cleanup has saved my sanity (I think!) many times. However, it can sometimes be dangerous if used on a drawing that is unstable. What starts out as a cleanup can turn into a mess as entities simply vanish for no apparent reason. To avoid this, I automatically do an audit on any files I receive from outside sources. This keeps Overkill useful and friendly.
Comment by Munoz,Adam
Posted on 2012-01-30 14:39:45
This OVERKILL is good after FLATTEN. And if you're allowed... a BURST all untill zero items found.