Leonid Nemirovsky sent us a way to quickly move or copy objects with grips. • Highlight object, for example circle, with grips. • Make center grip "hot" (click on it.) At the command prompt you will see these options: [Base point/Copy/Undo/eXit]. • If B (for Base point) is selected you can choose an arbitrary point that will be used as a base point for moving the object. If nothing is selected or if you type C at the command prompt, you will have the option of making multiple copies of the object. Type X to end (also ctrl+c works same way most of the time). If you use this trick on Leader, you can create Mleader of some sort. Just highlight the leader with grips, make pointing end hot, type C for copy, X when done. Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: Grips are a great way to quickly edit an object. This method copies or moves an object with few picks and clicks. The key to efficiency in CAD is to do less work. You can make these edits with only the mouse (and one hand tied behind your back). The tip on using the ctrl+C to end the function works, but you will be invoking the Windows Copy command, so be careful. The Esc (escape) key works to end it too. |