For September, Harry's picks include the following:
List Lookup Function — Sanjay Kulkarni — Unlike most other tips you see here, this function is meant to be used as part of a larger routine. Sanjay's function requires two arguments: an integer and a list of integers in ascending order. When executed, it will return the smallest integer in the list that is larger than the first argument.
Create a Field-Referenced Copy — Leland Leahy — This routine works like the built-in Copy command, except that copied text or mtext entities are referenced to the originals using fields. Calculate Total Length — Robert L. Zipprich — This routine will return the total length of any number of lines, arcs, and/or polylines that you select.
Place Point Objects with DivideLine — Richard Schwier — Richard's routine works in a similar fashion as the built-in Measure command: when you select an object and enter a length, Point objects are created along the object at the interval you select. The difference with DivideLine is that the distance you enter is treated as a maximum distance and the Points are created at the same interval along the object.
Protect LISP code — Leonid Nemirovsky — Leonid shares his method for protecting LISP code. It consists of three functions separate from the main program.
Apply Length Labels at Entity Midpoints — Lee McDonnell — Lee is back again, this time with a routine that labels AutoCAD entities with their length. This routine works for circles, lines, arcs, and polylines. |