For March, Harry's picks include the following: Convert Plain Geometry into Tables — Juan Villarreal — This super LISP routine will convert your existing lines, text, and blocks to a true table object for easier editing later.
Edit Any Type of Text — Jim Himes — This tip author has resurrected an old routine from the Cadence magazine days. This routine allows you to edit any sort of text with one command.
Change Text Size — Dale Miksch — Change the size of multiple text, mtext, and even rtext entities at once.
Set Paper Frame — Raymond Rizkallah — In some disciplines, you may not know which scale or paper size will provide the best results. This routine will essentially draw a border at a given scale and paper size in model space, quickly showing you the available limits.
Point Manager — Lee McDonnell — Import coordinates from text files into the drawing as points, blocks, or polylines, and export blocks, points, or polyline coordinates to a text file. And that's just some of the functionality of this routine!