For February, Harry's picks include the following: Quick Tolerance Creation — Dave White — Dave has created a routine that helps him to quickly create various tolerances in his AutoCAD drawing without having to change dimension styles.
Add Polyline Vertices — Scott Botting — AVT is a routine that allows you to add vertices to existing polylines in AutoCAD. Before getting started, note that this routine only works on the older, "heavy" 2D polylines, not the current "lightweight" polylines. Control Text Length — Isak Mishaeli — This routine enables you to stretch a text string horizontally or vertically in AutoCAD, by manipulating the width factor and/or the text height of one or more text entities.
Scale Blocks by Insertion Point — Theodorus Winata — Repeat contributor Theodorus brings us a small routine to help with block scaling in AutoCAD. It scales all selected blocks by their insertion point.
True Offset Ellipse — Kent Cooper — Normally if you offset an ellipse in AutoCAD, the resulting object is a spline. Kent's routine creates an ellipse whose quadrant points are exactly the desired distance away from the equivalent points on the original ellipse.
Explode Mtext — Clint Cogswell — What makes this routine different is that it breaks apart a large mtext entity into smaller chunks of mtext, not single lines of text. |