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Reshape Your Viewport
Tip# 3292 By Crystal Bresley On 01-Nov-2009
Rated By 3 users
Categories : Viewports
Software type : AutoCAD 2010
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Using the Vpclip command allows you to quickly change your viewport to polygonal while saving your viewport settings.

Crystal Bresley sends us a tip about the command needed to change the shape of a viewport.

"Have you ever created a regular viewport, only to realize later that you wish it had been created as polygonal so you could manipulate its vertex? Using the Vpclip command allows you to quickly change your viewport to polygonal while saving your viewport settings at the same time. Simply select the viewport you wish to edit, and then retrace."

Notes from Cadalyst Tip Patrol: There are many times when a rectangular viewport will suit your needs. Sometimes, however, you need an irregularly shaped — or even round — viewport. When you use Vpclip, you are given two options: select a polygon that is already present to be the new shape of your viewport, or create a polygon to be the new shape of your viewport. Either will serve your purpose just fine.


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User comments
Comment by McSwain,R.K.
Posted on 2009-11-02 15:52:08
Good one Crystal.
Comment by Ayles,Mark
Posted on 2009-11-02 15:57:54
This will save time, not having to redraw the VP while adding segments!
Comment by Duzan,Tim
Posted on 2009-11-02 16:42:18
Also, if you want to go in reverse order and have a rectangle, for easier reshaping of the viewport, you can use the Vpclip command and select the Delete option. This will restore a default rectangle shape.