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Reorder the Prompted Entries for Title Blocks
Tip# 4511 By Rick Campbell On 27-Jul-2015
Rated By 0 users
Categories : Standardize Data
Software type : Inventor
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Learn how to reorder the prompted entries for a custom drawing border in Autodesk Inventor.

Here is a tip I have for Autodesk Inventor 2016. (It’ll work in previous releases as well.)
If you've ever created a custom drawing border in Autodesk Inventor and wondered how to reorder the prompted entries, then this tip is for you.
Hints: Make sure you are in the correct work folder containing your custom template. Also, create a backup of the template you'll be updating (just in case).

  1. Open custom template.
  2. Expand the Title Blocks folder under Drawing Resources in the browser, and right-click on your title block. Select Reorder Prompted Entries, which will open up a dialog box.

  3. Reorder your prompted entries by clicking on them, then using the Move Down and Move Up keys as necessary. You can select the entries individually or in groups. 

  4. After all changes have been made, click OK, and save your template. 
  5. When you create a new drawing from the modified template, you should notice the prompts are in the correct order.


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