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Shortcut for Checking In Files in Vault
Tip# 4327 By David Gaskill On 30-Jun-2014
Rated By 0 users
Categories : File Data
Software type : Autodesk Vault
Rename File To : No Files to download.
Here is a tip for using Vault to see what files you have checked out.

Here is a tip for all the Autodesk Vault users out there. Have you ever wondered what files you may have checked out? It’s a great idea to check in all files at the end of the day or at least the end of the week.

First, open up Vault and select Find.

In the Find dialog box, enter Checked Out By in the Property field, Contains in the Condition field, and your name in the Value field. Click Find Now.

The dialog box will show all files checked out by you.

Select Save Current Search.

You will be prompted with a Save Search dialog box. Here I entered Checked out by David Gaskill.

You will then have a saved search that shows your checked out files. (Hint: This tip is not limited to Checked out by; you can save any search for future use.)


Note: This tip has not been reviewed by a Cadalyst tip reviewer.



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